Reflection Moment: Wisdom Quote

It could almost seem as a tongue twister, but Einstein’s quote surely is simple and profound.

It is said we are creatures of habit, and there have certainly been times when trying to change the mind of others can be daunting – even if you can prove the benefits.

There are times we hear from teams sharing they have a program or event they have been doing for years that works for them, and just need to outsource to us for extra support.   

However, within the same conversation they begin to ask for any feedback on why we think their registration numbers may be flat and not growing, or frustrated that they have been providing a quality content event and can’t get sponsors to contribute.

Perhaps, as Einstein’s quote suggests – you may have been doing a conference or event for several years, but if you continue the same format, location, presenters, set-up, etc. then you will continue the same end result, or as for them, see it go flat.

Even just a few changes to the set-up and environment (i.e. adding interesting lighting, non-standard staging designs, personalized concierge service or unexpected entertainment/speaker) can excite attendees and sponsors to improve their experience to want to come back, or contribute.  

There are numerous simple touches or ideas that can transform a space or evolve a program that keeps with the integrity of the content being shared.   

Reflect on how you can enhance your next conference or event.